WRG AGH University of Krakow — Water Research Group

Water Research Group consist of ambitious young people specialising in chemistry, hydrogeochemistry and hydrogeology. The considerable human and intellectual potential, research facilities which include an accredited hydrogeochemical laboratory, professional contacts made as a result of cooperation with external entities, both domestic and foreign, and Team leader experience enable to plan, develop and implement many research projects in different research areas.


Research areas

groundwater monitoring

estimation of groundwater chemical status; estimation of the stability of the chemical composition of mining, mineral, curative and thermal waters; quality control/quality assurance in water monitoring; the impact of disruptive objects (mainly coal mining waste dumps, wastes from energy industry) on the chemical status of the aquatic environment

contaminants of emerging concern in water

emerging contaminants (i.a. pesticides, PPAS and pharmaceuticals residues) in groundwater, urban water, drinking water; legionella’s bacterias in water

speciation analysis of groundwater chemical composition

column experiments

data reliability

QA/QC of hydrogeochemical data; human errors in water monitoring; health and environmental risk assessment

risk assessment

modeling of pollutants migration in groundwater

statistical data analysis

Last publications

2024-12-09, artykuły

Hydrogeochemical data from carbonate springs as an aid for delimiting catchment areas in the Rovte region, Central Slovenia / Vanessa E. Johnston, Filip Šarc, Katarzyna WĄTOR, Bojan Otoničar // Journal of Hydrology : Regional Studies [Dokument elektroniczny] ; ISSN 2214-5818. — 2024 — vol. 56 art. no. 102087, s. 1–24. — Wymagania systemowe: Adobe Reader. — Bibliogr. s. 24, Abstr. — Publikacja dostępna online od: 2024-11-28

2024-12-04, artykuły

Groundwater potential in mining regions for drinking water supply: a case study of the Żelatowa intake (Chrzanów, Poland) / Katarzyna WAWRZONEK, Katarzyna WĄTOR, Mateusz Topolewski, Agata Kasprzak, Ewa KMIECIK // Water Resources and Industry ; ISSN 2212-3717. — 2024 — vol. 32 art. no. 100272, s. 1-17. — Bibliogr. s. 14-17, Abstr. — Publikacja dostępna online od: 2024-11-20. — K. Wawrzonek - dod. afiliacja: Wodociągi Chrzanowskie Sp. z o. o, Poland

2024-11-29, artykuły

Hydrochemical gradients driving extremophile distribution in saline and brine groundwater of southern Poland / Mirosław Słowakiewicz, Weronika Goraj, Tomasz Segit, Katarzyna WĄTOR, Dariusz Dobrzyński // Environmental Microbiology Reports [Dokument elektroniczny]. — Czasopismo elektroniczne ; ISSN 1758-2229. — 2024 — vol. 16 iss. 5 art. no. e70030, s. 1–17. — Wymagania systemowe: Adobe Reader. — Bibliogr. s. 14–17, Abstr. — Publikacja dostępna online od: 2024-10-23

2024-11-29, artykuły

Manifestations of sulfuric acid speleogenesis in the Mulapampa travertine, Central Andes of Peru: evidence from the Gruta con Lago / Andrzej Tyc, Krzysztof Gaidzik, Justyna Ciesielczuk, Katarzyna WĄTOR // International Journal of Speleology ; ISSN 0392-6672. — 2024 — vol. 53 iss. 2, s. 235–251. — Bibliogr. s. 249–251, Abstr.

2024-06-17, artykuły

Novel technique for the ultra-sensitive detection of hazardous contaminants using an innovative sensor integrated with a bioreactor / Aleksandra ORZECHOWSKA, Anna Czaderna-Lekka, Martin Trtílek, Renata SZYMAŃSKA, Agnieszka TRELA-MAKOWEJ, Katarzyna WĄTOR // Scientific Reports [Dokument elektroniczny]. — Czasopismo elektroniczne ; ISSN 2045-2322. — 2024 — vol. 14 iss. 1 art. no. 12836, s. 1–11. — Wymagania systemowe: Adobe Reader. — Bibliogr. s. 8–10, Abstr. — Publikacja dostępna online od: 2024-06-04

2024-05-10, artykuły

Risk analysis for groundwater intakes based on the example of neonicotinoids / Damian PIETRZAK, Jarosław KANIA, Ewa KMIECIK, Alper Baba // Chemosphere ; ISSN 0045-6535. — 2024 — vol. 358 art. no. 142244, s. 1-12. — Bibliogr. s. 11-12, Abstr. — Publikacja dostępna online od: 2024-05-03




Preparation of elements for the assessment of geothermal energy resources and thermal and thermal therapeutic waters potential in selected urbanized areas together with analysis of geoenvironmental and economic conditions of their sustainable management



contract no: DZP/POLTUR2/246/2017. Geotherm. Integrated management of geothermal water: recovery of energy and water



PBS, contract no: 245079. Obtaining of drinking water and liquids and balneological substances in the treatment of cooled thermal waters



Contract no: 2011/03/B/ST10/06128. Long-term transformation of power plant waste weathering and impact of these processes on the mobility of the trace elements contained in the waste


7th Framework Program of the EU

Contract Number: 226536. GENESIS Groundwater and Dependent Ecosystems: New Scientific Basis on Climate Change and Land-use Impacts for the Update of the EU Groundwater Directive


European Cooperation in Science and Technology

COST Action 637. Metals and Related Substances in Drinking Water


6th Framework Program of the EU

Contract Number 006538. BRIDGE Background Criteria for the Identification of Groundwater Thresholds



Chromium speciation in drinking waters — risk analysis (Specjacje chromu w wodach pitnych — analiza ryzyka)



Kraków, Poland

Katarzyna Wątor

Conference „Underground Kraków — hydrology on the historic city" — St. Stanislaus spring – the results of the analysis of changes in chemical composition



Katarzyna Wątor, Piotr Rusiniak, Damian Pietrzak

ICP-MS Educational Webinar (ThermoFisher SCIENTIFIC)



Katarzyna Wątor, Piotr Rusiniak, Damian Pietrzak

ICP-OES Educational Webinar (ThermoFisher SCIENTIFIC)



Katarzyna Wątor, Piotr Rusiniak, Damian Pietrzak

Tips & Tricks for the daily routine use of your ICP-OES/ ICP-MS Autosampler (Perkin Elmer)



Ewa Kmiecik

VI Conference LUMEN 2020


Kraków, Poland

Ewa Kmiecik

School of Underground Mining (SEP) . Invited lecture: Groundwater monitoring — selected methodological aspects


Kraków, Poland

Damian Pietrzak

CAGG-AGH-2019. Challenges in Applied Geology and Geophysics: 100th anniversary of applied geology at AGH University of Science and Technology — International scientific conference . Presentation: Review of software for modeling migration of emerging contaminants in groundwater



Toruń, Poland

Ewa Kmiecik, Damian Pietrzak

XIX Symposium. Contemporary Problems in Hydrogeology. Plenary lecture: Assessment of JCWPd chemical status and groundwater vulnerability — selected research problems. Presentations: 1) A probabilistic approach to assessment of the quality of drinking water. 2) Identification of transport parameters of chlorides in different soils on the basis of column studies



Antwerp, Belgium

Damian Pietrzak

AcquaConSoil : sustainable use and management of soil, sediment and water resources : 15th international conference. Presentation: Transport of selected neonicotinoids in groundwater: column experiment



Poznań, Poland

Piotr Rusiniak, Katarzyna Wątor

VII Conference Chemometrics and metrology in practice. Presentations: 1) Analysis of the correlation between the quantity of medicinal water extraction and changes in their chemical composition. 2) Estimation of measurement uncertainty using the empirical method using different analysis schemes


Kraków, Poland

Damian Pietrzak

National Scientific Conference for PhD Students , II edition. Presentation: Column experiments in the migration studies of selected contaminants of emerging concern in the aquatic environment


Lanzarote, Spain

Ewa Kmiecik

MICRO 2018. Fate and Impact of Microplastics: Knowledge, Actions and Solutions. Presentation: Microplastics in freshwater systems (southeast Poland) — preliminary results



Ascona, Switzerland

Ewa Kmiecik

Nano and Microplastics in Technical and Freshwaters Systems — Microplastics 2018. Microplastic as an emerging contaminant of water — a state of knowledge in Poland


Athens, Greece

Ewa Kmiecik

Desalination for the Environment: Clean Water and Energy, Science, Research, Innovation, Industry, Business. Presentation: Design of experiments in water treatment processes — data reliability


Helsinki, Finland

Ewa Kmiecik, Katarzyna Wątor

Water JPI 2018 Conference: Emerging Pollutants in Freshwater Ecosystems. Presentations: 1) Migration of antimony from polyethylene terephthalate bottles to water samples during their storage. 2) The occurrence of bisphenol A in selected bottled water — preliminary results



Zagreb, Croatia

Anna Mika, Damian Pietrzak, Piotr Rusiniak, Katarzyna Wątor

10th Eastern European Young Water Professionals Conference. Presentations: 1) Accuracy of LC-MS/MS method for the determination of concentration of pesticides from the first Watch List in groundwater. 2) Determination of iodine in geothermal water samples — preliminary ICP-MS method validation results. 3) The influence of type of sampling container on the chromium concentration variability in groundwater. 4) The use of principal component analysis for the assessment of spatial variability of curative waters from Busko-Zdrój and Solec-Zdrój Region (Poland) – preliminary results


Accredited laboratory

Scientific Cooperation


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© 2024, WRG AGH University of Krakow — Water Research Group